What is Agritourism?
Agri-tourism is defined as travel, which combines, agriculture and rural setting with product of agriculture operation all within a tourism experience. Experience itself is the Agri tourism product, besides Tourists can buy fresh Agri produce and products directly from farmers without any middle man (agents)

Shri. Pandurang Taware
Convner of World Agri Tourism day
Use your knowledge for the betterment of the farming community . Our survival depends on the survival of the farmers.

TedX talk
Driving the fourth largest agricultural sector that feeds the second largest population in the world, Indian farmers face the plight of erratic earnings, consequent out-migration from farms and neglect of village communities resulting in indebtedness, exploitation and ultimately suicides.
Through Agri Toursim, We are encouraging promotion of farm products, education and alternative income generation for hundreds of farmers. Many of them experienced an income increase of 33 per cent.
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